Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Basic First Aid Course (August 28)

Posted by,
VAD57 Committee.

Let me show you some candid pictures..

10. More..
9 Even for girls too!

8. So that they can try it out themselves

7. Practise for everyone

6. Overrall explaination by inctructor (Mr. Vincent Sim) about the case

5. WOw .. it is suprised that the victim is very EXCITED! even though his leg is broken

4. Once the victim being lifted up.. he is positioned on top of the knee

3. Stable and firm lift of victim (used to transfer victim into a streacher)

2. Instructor is handling and delegating task for participants (CPR)

1. Lol.. this is from Emergency call.. He got electric shock and yet still so happy about it =)

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