Below are part of practical training in the afternoon session on Saturday First Aid Training---Bandaging by Mr. Raymond

chin?? O_O
[Carol + Kit]
Random-ness #1
Random-ness #2
Going sona~?? Since when hospital have such a good service~?? XD
[Carol & Ping]
[Carol + Kit]

[Carol & Ping]
[Eliab & 1_3]
Okie^^ I'm having a photo with Eliab xp
Taiwan singers B.A.D~??
[Vinc3 + Sam + Kevin]
Wuuu...This guy looked very serious...Keep it up..Kakaxx...
Wuuu...This patient oso hiper-active or he's unstable..??
Mr Raymond, the instructor demostrating~ #1
Mr Raymond, the instructor demostrating~ #2
Board Committes Meeting~*
New discovery NEWs~?? Got HighWay~?? /gg #1
[Mr Commandant---Johnny + Kit]
Random-ness #1
Random-ness #2
Random-ness #3
Random-ness #4
Commandant had something want to announce
Random-ness #6
Important..Everyone listening especially Kit /gg
Random-ness #10

[Vinc3 + Sam + Kevin]

Mido and CPR to form new group called Jonas Brothers~?? xp
can be so happy....See~ This proven that the Power of Love is un-
defeatable XD
Board Committes Meeting~*
'09 Semester 1 committees meeting
The issues we discussed are "Top Secret"
It's "C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L"
The issues we discussed are "Top Secret"
It's "C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L"

[Mr Commandant---Johnny + Kit]

WE having our game test run without our beloved commandant
He was being anxious and happy for his Kuching trip
and throw US alone
Leaving US here
(Too bad..Sob sob...)
WE all having fun XD
The games were nice
Got wet and bruises after that
The above based on photos telling stories just my own creation and crapping around to make the post lame + interesting :p
~Have a nice day~ everyone
Thanks for visting our blog often as well
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