Good day members of VAD 57!As we all know, recently our organization has conducted an event which is known as First Aider in Every Home (FAIEH) on the 19th of March. Well, here's some pictures that was taken on that day and we hope for those that joined FAIEH, keep supporting our events! For those that missed out on this event, no worries! =) We have tons of events awaits!
Well lets get this picture browsing started~

Ex-commandant giving introduction and further information as first aider =)

Time to get your hands dirty (not literally)! Lets practice giving CPR to the dummies! :O

Someone faints? Only acting! XD

Members and committees both learn the practicals together

Carrying the "patient" and moving him to the appropriate location

~ Practicing Triangular Bandage ~

Full attention was given to the talk regarding sudden illness

and lastly, the "must have" moment - group photos!!!
It can be seen from the pictures that this semester's FAIEH is a huge enjoyment! Not only that the students learned some first aid skills throughout the process, most importantly is how we ENJOY learning these skills!!
Watch out for more announcements on our upcoming events and don't missed out on it! There's always knowledge obtained in every event that we held!
Looking forward for the event,
Darrold Lim
IT Officer