Hello and greetings dear blog readers,
I hope we can still rake in some decent readership responses. Hello all, and how has your week been? You might have heard of our unit, MRC VAD 57 has been teeming with activities lately. It is all in conjunction with the FAS (First Aid and Safety) Month 2010. Hence, indeed, we have had few things going on, but if in case you have missed any, fear not, we still have a few activities up before the semester ends.
Let's view through the check list of what has happened.
FAS Month Opening Ceremony
FAS Month Talk
FAS Exhibition
Open Day Booth Sale
FAS Month Competition and Quiz
MRC Flag Day Sale - the day where we carry around tins and request for donations
Fun (yeap, and lots of it)
Yeap... that's about it.
Our Curtin Open Day Booth Sale was a huge success. It turned out better than expected and we sold everyhing! Hope all you readers bought something and contributed to our funds ;) Joking. On that day, we sold:
Lychee Shake (it's lychee in the form of milkshake)
Plum juice
Lychee with lime
Homemade cornflake cookies
Gulingao (neh the black black one)
...and of course, our kick ass Curry Fish/Chicken ball (damn kick ass wei, no joke)
There's always more next year. Do not worry, I think our signature, curry fish and meatballs is slowly becoming a Red Crescent must sell item every Open Day. It's going to be a tradition :)
Some pictures from our past event.
FAS Month Opening Ceremony and Talk

Cutting of the ribbons to officiate the ceremony

Our OC speaking

The arrival of our VVIP, Datuk Lee

Our attendee. Thanks a lot guys!

Our awesome banner for the event
Group picture with the VVIPs Not to forget, our wonderful speakers who came and gave their Safety talk
Dr Halim Mohamed
Mr Lai Nyong Kheng
Thanks a lot for all of your support that day. Open Day pictures are coming soon.
Have a nice week ahead, and tuition free week is next week! Finally, some time off :) Enjoy
This is Melvin, signing off.
Melvin Lim
IT Officer