Thursday, July 30, 2009
VAD-57 AGM 8th August 2009 (Saturday)
Hi, welcome to MRC, VAD-57.
For your information , MRC will be having an annual general meeting on:
Date: 8th August 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 9:15am - 10:15am
Venue: G3102, Curtin
** For anyone that are following Curtin Shuttle Bus. there will be bus trip to campus at 8:45am and 9am, and bus trip back at 10:30am**
In this general meeting, we will be discussing on our latest up-coming event, such as:
- BBQ gathering
- Visit to Old Folk Home
- Water safety & Boat Handling Training
- Basic First Aid Course
- Obstacle Course at Borneo Rainforest
- First Aid Training (Member & Public)
- VAD-57 Night & Instalment
**Committee members are required to wear MRC t-shirt, if don't have please wear white t-shirt, committee are required to arrive before 9am**
**Johnny ting, Vincent Chin and Chin Pin Rui are require to wear full uniform (request from CPR). **
any information, can refer to me. thanks ^^
Cheers and Thanks!
"We Serve Voluntarily"
Eliab Lo Shen Penng
Malaysian Red Crescent Voluntary Aid Detachment-57
Curtin University of Technology Sarawak Campus
Dear all Curtin RedCrescent members,
Especially for the first viewer or may be you are new member of our Curtin RedCrescent, we would like to thank you for your supporting on our Curtin RedCrescent. Sincerely, welcome to be part of our Curtin RedCrescent family.
This blog is including with some of the pass events that we had done. Besides, progress, information and notices will be kept on update in this blog. Please just make sure you always keep yourself update by viewing this blog frequently. You may feel free to post your comment on each notice. Thanks and enjoys.
"We Serve Voluntarily"
As your information, we are Curtin RedCrescent, but we mostly call ourselves as VAD-57.
"why we are Voluntary Aid Detachment (VAD)”. Individuals who join the Malaysian Red Crescent are grouped into three movement; Link, Youth and the Voluntary Aid Detachment. Links and Youth movement are for primary and secondary school members. While the Voluntary Aid Detachment is for students in tertiary institution just like us. The activities of VAD is more mature such public duties & organising events.
In summary, if an above 18 year old individual joins the Malaysian Red Crescent, he/she will be placed in a Voluntary Aid Detachment. "57" means we are in group no.57 amount the VADs in Malaysia.
Posted by,
Sam Sham Zhen Dong
IT Officer
As a VAD-57 representative
Sunday, July 19, 2009
The New Day of Sem 2 2009
Holiday-Enjoy?! I would like to inform that we will opening booth for new member registration and also to renew your VAD-57 membership. The booth will available during orientation week(20th July - 24th July), at 12pm to 2pm, somewhere near the Cafeteria.
Kent Lim(0122691333) or Tai Sin Yao(016-5891076) are responsible for the member recruitment, if there is any inquiry, free to contact them or email to

Post by,
IT Officer of VAD-57
Friday, July 10, 2009
Good News For VAD-57
The details of the Health Officer are listed as below:
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Nicholas Leong | Corporate Communications Manager | Curtin University of Technology, Sarawak Malaysia