All committee members are compulsory to wear the VAD Uniform during formal occasion (effective 2009). Therefore, committee members that haven't purchase the uniform are advised to make it ASAP.
-Price range will be around RM100 to RM170 including tailor fees and accessory.
-Accessories of the uniform can be purchased at BSM HQ Office which is buttons, lanyard, logos, belt and epaulet.
-name tags are also needed (can be done in bookshop) background of the tag should be in black and the name should be in white.
-The tailor shop providing the uniform will be the one next to Sin Liang supermarket in town named Jan Mi School Shop.
-according to the tailor shop owner, they have ready-made Red Crescent uniform on sale next month, the price will be much lower and using the same white material from HQ Miri which is thicker and better. Available for both gender. (but they do not disclose weather it is a VAD uniform or not).
Jan Mi School Shop, S.F Liu (019-8848008)
*Further information will be added into the notice.
Thank you.
Lencana Kecekapan
1. Lencana Peperiksaan (Sijil BSMM Asas)
- di lengan kiri pakaian seragam.
2. Lencana Peperiksaan (Sijil BSMM Lanjutan)
- di lengan kiri pakaian seragam.
3. Lencana Jurulatih
- di poket kanan pakaian seragam.
4. Lenacana Jurulatih Kanan
- di poket kanan pakaian seragam.